| Packaging | CartonsBoxes | Large Heavy Cartons Boxes
List of Large Heavy Cartons Boxes | We Manufacture, Supply and Retail |
Large Heavy Carton Boxes
Big Transport Carton
Giant Delivery Cartons Box
Huge Shipment Cartons
Pallet Carton Boxes
Distribution Cartons
Take Away Cartons
Takeout Parcel Cartons
Parcel Cartons Pack
Large Carrier Box Carton
Wrapping Carton Box
Buying Carton Boxes
Export Import Carton Boxes
Sell Cartons Packs Box
Retail Carton Packets
General Supply Cartons
Delivery Karton Packs
Massive Packaging Cartons
Distribution Kartons
Ecommerce Shop Carton
Online Shop Carton
Super Shop Cartons
Pasteboard Carton Boxes
Linerboard Box Carton
Colorless Box Cartons
Glossy Coated Carton Box
Blank Carton Packages
Empty Cartons Packs
Clear Box Cartons
New Transport Box Carton
Storage Carton Box
Stock Extended Cartons
Rectangle Carton Box
Square Box Cartons
Tabloid Size Carrier Carton
Shipping Carton Boxes
Garment Textile Cartons
Cloth Box Carton Packet
Corrugated Cardboard Carton
Extra Large Cartons
Mega Size Carton Box
Heavy Carton Packages
Custom Size Delivery Carton
Customize Carton Box
Customized Box Cartons
Cardboard Carton Box
Fiberboard Box Cartons
Paperboard Transport Carton
Paper Board Carton Boxes
Card Stock Parcel Carton
Cardstock Carton Boxes
Cover Stock Carrier Carton
Supply Cartons Case
Parcel Carton Cases
Sale Package Cartons
Wholesale Carton Box
Container Carton Boxes
Carton Boxes are industrially prefabricated Boxes, primarily used for packaging Goods and Materials. It is made by Cardboards usually, that is thicker and more durable than normal writing and printing paper. Corrugated fiberboard, Paperboard, Card stock, Cover stock, durable Pasteboard and thicker heavy paper materials are used to make Carton Boxes too.
Packaging Designers and Engineers work to meet the requirements of a Carton box to build it appropriately. Structural design, Printed contents, Labels and Graphic designs are the vital part of a Carton Box. We Khatian Print are a Carton Box manufacturer printer supplier Company.
Simply, a Carton is a Box or Container usually made of Cardboard or Paperboard. Many types of cartons are used in casing for commodities and things. Sometimes a carton is also called a Box. Khatian Print provides Carton Boxes from Dhaka Bangladesh BD.
Minimum Qty: NA
CB36, CB36E, CB63, CB63E, CB90 and CB90E Carton Boxes are available in ready stock.
Pack Offers |
Cartons |
SL No. |
D e s c r i p t i o n |
Quantity |
Price (BDT) |
HCB101 |
Carton Box | CB90
Size: 90
Media: Cardboard
Print : N/A
3000 Pcs |
5000 Pcs |
10000 Pcs |
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HCB102 |
Carton Box | CB90E
Size: 90E
Media: Cardboard
Print : N/A
3000 Pcs |
5000 Pcs |
10000 Pcs |
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HCB103 |
Carton Box | Custom
Size: N/A
Media: Cardboard
Print : N/A
3000 Pcs |
5000 Pcs |
10000 Pcs |
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